Studies Dual Rinse HEDP®

Compatibility of Dual Rinse 1-Hydroxyethane- 1,1-Diphosphonic Acid with Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions Containing Proprietary Additives

Honey Kottathil H, Zehnder M,* Gubler A, Attin T, Narkedamalli R,  Ballal NV,

Journal of Endodontics

Effect of continuous vs sequential chelation on the mechanical properties of root dentin: An ex vivo study

Ballal NV, Ray AB, Narkedamalli R, Urala AS, Patel V, Harris M, Bergeron BE, Tay FR

Journal of Dentistry 148 (2024) 105214

Evaluation of pH and Optical Properties of Dual Rinse HEDP Irrigating Solution

Simic, A.; Papic, M.V.; Nikitovic, A.; Kocovic, A.; Petrovic, R.; Melih, I.; Zivanovic, S.; Papic, M.; Popovic, M.

Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 1675.

The Effect of Different Compositions and Concentrations of Etidronate-Containing Irrigants on the Antibacterial Activity of Sodium Hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans

Novozhilova N, Babina K, Polyakova M, Sokhova I, Sherstneva V, Zaytsev A, Makeeva I, Mikheikina A

Dent. J. 2024, 12(3), 46

Dislodgement resistance and structural changes of tricalcium silicate-based cements after exposure to different chelating agents

Ulusoy Öi,  Ballal NV, Narkedamalli R, Ulusoy N, Shetty KP, Luke AM

PLoS ONE 19 (1): e0296647 2024 Jan. 17

Etidronate (Dual Rinse HEDP) for root canal irrigation in clinical use

Quintessenz Zahnmedizin (08/19)
Author: Prof. Dr. Matthias Zehnder

Several studies investigating the Dual Rinse HEDP continuous chelation concept are on their way.