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From pros for pros

  1. Case with post-treatment apical periodontitis. Irrigation of the pulp chamber using Dual Rinse HEDP in a 1% NaOCl solution renders the dentin shiny. Discolorations and the original canal orifice anatomy can be appreciated.

  2. Gutta-Percha and sealer are removed chemo-mechanically.

  3. Irrigation using Dual Rinse HEDP/ NaOCl renders the canal system clean. Note the dissolution of the discolorations in the pulp chamber.

Keep your isthmus open with positive pressure irrigation and Dual Rinse HEDP.


Keep your isthmus open with positive pressure irrigation and Dual Rinse HEDP.

Revascularization with Dual Rinse HEDP

When using Dual Rinse HEDP before revascularization please note the following protocol:

  • First session:
    Clean the root canal, then irrigate with a Dual Rinse HEDP/NaOCl-solution. Sterilize the pulp cavity with a triantibiotic paste or Ca(OH)2.
  • Second session:
    Irrigate with pure Dual Rinse HEDP, dissolved in sterile water or in sterile physiological saline solution (do not use NaOCl). Ideally, mix two capsules of Dual Rinse HEDP with 10 mL of sterile water or sterile physiological saline solution (results in a 18% HEDP solution) to remove the triantibiotic paste or the Ca(OH)2 and to condition the dentin. Alternatively, 17%-EDTA or 10%-citric acid can be used for this step.

Reference: Deniz Sungur D, Aksel H, Ozturk S, Yilmaz Z, Ulubayram K (2018) Effect of dentine conditioning with phytic acid or etidronic acid on growth factor release, dental pulp stem cell migration and viability. Int Endod J.

Dual Rinse Mixing Bowl

Graduated mixing bowl with cc (mL) indication

Use a sterile spatula to mix 10 mL of NaOCl with the powder contained in 1 capsule of Dual Rinse HEDP

Sterilizing Gutta-Percha Points

Use our mixing bowl to sterilize your gutta-percha points (3 – 5 min in NaOCl solution). 

J Endod. 1975 Apr;1(4):136-40.. Rapid sterilization of gutta-percha cones with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. Senia ESMarraro RVMitchell JLLewis AGThomas L

PMID: 1061790 

DOI: 10.1016/S0099-2399(75)80098-7